Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jokes for Dating Ladies : Bangladeshi Women Perspective

ইফতার পার্টি

Jokes : Here are some light-hearted jokes about newlywed couples

Sure! Here are some light-hearted jokes about newlywed couples:

The Budget:
Husband: "Honey, I think we should watch a movie tonight."
Wife: "Great idea! Should we go out?"
Husband: "Nah, let's watch it in our pajamas."
Wife: "Why? Is there a budget for pajamas we need to stick to?"

The Cooking:
Wife: "I made a delicious dinner tonight. Are you ready?"
Husband: "Of course! What did you make?"
Wife: "Reservations."

The Household Chores:
Husband: "I finally did the laundry!"
Wife: "Oh great! Did you fold it?"
Husband: "No, I just put it in the dryer, but it’s a ‘fresh-out-of-the-dryer’ surprise!"

Friend: "What’s the secret to a happy marriage?"
Husband: "A sense of humor!"
Friend: "And what if they don’t have one?"
Husband: "Then you’ll spend a lot of time laughing alone!"

First Argument:
Wife: "You never listen to me!"
Husband: "That's a pretty weird way to start a conversation!"

Anniversary Goals:
Husband: "What do you want for our anniversary?"
Wife: "Something that goes from 0 to 200 in just seconds."
Husband: "How about a new vacuum cleaner?"

Wife: "You never tell me you love me anymore!"
Husband: "I told you on our wedding day. If anything changes, I’ll let you know!"
I hope these bring a smile to your face!

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